Golden Retriever and Dolphin Have a Splashin’ Good Time

Sep 21, 2023 | Personal Stories

Golden Retriever and Dolphin Have a Splashin’ Good Time at Florida Aquarium. When a Golden Retriever named Kevin met a dolphin named Winter at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida, it was a match made in heaven. The adorable duo became fast friends, bonding over their shared love of rubber ducks. Kevin’s owner, Elysse Gorney, captured the heartwarming moment on camera and shared it with the world on Instagram.

The video quickly went viral, with animal lovers everywhere falling in love with the unlikely friendship between a dog and a dolphin. Kevin’s playful nature and Winter’s gentle demeanor made for the perfect pairing, and the two spent the day swimming and playing together at the aquarium. It’s not every day that a Golden Retriever gets to hang out with a dolphin, but for Kevin and Winter, it was just another day in paradise.

As Kevin and Winter’s friendship continues to capture the hearts of people around the world, it’s clear that these two unlikely companions have a special bond that transcends species. Whether they’re playing in the water or just hanging out together, Kevin and Winter are a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected friendships can be the most meaningful.

The Unlikely Meeting

The Golden Named Kevin

Kevin, a lovable Golden Retriever from Tampa, Florida, has been making waves on social media with his unlikely friendship with a rescue dolphin named Winter. With over 200,000 followers on Instagram, Kevin has become quite the celebrity among animal lovers.

One day, Kevin had the opportunity to visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida, where he met Winter in person. The two hit it off immediately, and their playful encounter was captured on camera for all to see.

The Dolphin Encounter

Winter, a bottlenose dolphin, was rescued in 2005 after getting tangled in a crab trap. She was injured, but with the help of a prosthetic tail, she was able to swim again. Winter has since become a beloved resident of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, where she is often visited by tourists and animal enthusiasts.

When Kevin met Winter, he was fascinated by her friendly demeanor and playful nature. The two quickly became friends, playing together and even sharing a kiss on the nose. Their unlikely friendship has warmed the hearts of many and serves as a reminder that love knows no boundaries.

Overall, the meeting between Kevin the Golden Retriever and Winter the rescue dolphin was a heartwarming and humorous encounter that brought joy to many.

The Adventures of Kevin and Friends

Duck Hat and Other Tales

Kevin, the famous Golden Retriever from Tampa, Florida, is always up for an adventure. When he visited the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, he never expected to make friends with a dolphin. But that’s exactly what happened when he met Winter, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.

The staff at the aquarium sent Kevin a personalized video message revealing that Winter loves rubber ducks—just like Kevin. So, Kevin decided to bring a special gift for his new friend. He wore his favorite duck hat, which made everyone at the aquarium laugh.

Kevin and Winter quickly became friends, spending hours playing together in the water. They swam side by side and even shared some rubber ducks. Visitors at the aquarium couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the unlikely duo having so much fun together.

Swimming with Dolphins

Kevin’s adventures didn’t stop with Winter. He also got to swim with some other dolphins at the aquarium. The friendly Golden Retriever was a natural in the water, paddling around with ease.

But swimming with dolphins is no easy feat, and Kevin learned that the hard way. One mischievous dolphin decided to play a prank on him, splashing him with water and swimming circles around him. Kevin took it all in stride, though, and even seemed to enjoy the playful antics of his new aquatic friends.

Overall, Kevin’s visit to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium was full of excitement and fun. He made new friends, had some unforgettable adventures, and even got to wear his favorite duck hat. It’s safe to say that Kevin will never forget his time at the aquarium, and neither will the animals and visitors who got to share in his adventures.

Behind the Scenes

The Animal Care Specialist

When Kevin the Golden Retriever met Winter the Dolphin at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, it was a moment that captured the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. But what many people don’t know is the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make sure that both animals are happy and healthy.

Enter Katie Wojdyla, an animal care specialist at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Wojdyla is responsible for making sure that Winter and the other animals at the aquarium are well-fed, clean, and comfortable. This includes everything from preparing meals to cleaning tanks to providing enrichment activities.

“Working with animals is a lot of hard work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding,” says Wojdyla. “Seeing the animals thrive under our care makes it all worth it.”

Elysse Gorney and Hemingway

Another key player in Kevin and Winter’s meeting was Elysse Gorney, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s Director of Marketing and Communications. Gorney was the one who came up with the idea to introduce Kevin and Winter, and she worked closely with Kevin’s owner to make it happen.

“It was really a team effort,” says Gorney. “We wanted to create a special moment for Kevin and Winter, but we also wanted to make sure that both animals were safe and comfortable throughout the process.”

Gorney also worked with Hemingway, a member of the aquarium’s animal care team, to make sure that Winter was comfortable with the idea of meeting Kevin. Hemingway spent time with Winter, getting her used to the sight and smell of Kevin before the two animals finally met face-to-face.

“Animal care is all about taking the time to understand each individual animal’s needs and preferences,” says Gorney. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s also incredibly rewarding when you see two animals like Kevin and Winter form a bond.”

The Aquarium and Its Residents

Winter, Hope, and PJ

The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. It is home to several rescued animals, including three famous dolphins: Winter, Hope, and PJ. Winter, the star of the movie “Dolphin Tale,” after getting entangled in a crab trap lost her tail. She was rescued and brought to the aquarium, where she was fitted with a prosthetic tail. Hope, another rescued dolphin, was found stranded on a beach when she was just a few months old. She was brought to the aquarium and has been living there ever since. PJ, the newest addition to the aquarium, was rescued in 2021 after being found stranded on a beach in Sarasota.

Other Inhabitants of the Aquarium

In addition to the dolphins, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium is home to a variety of other animals. Visitors can see pelicans, sea turtles, stingrays, and more. The aquarium is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured and sick animals and releasing them back into the wild whenever possible.

The aquarium also has a unique program called “Animal Caretaker for a Day,” where visitors can get a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to care for the animals at the aquarium. Participants get to help prepare food, clean tanks, and assist with animal care.

Overall, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a wonderful place to visit for anyone who loves animals. The rescued animals are well-cared for and visitors can learn about the importance of conservation and protecting our oceans.

The Impact of Social Media

Social media has played a significant role in bringing together unlikely animal friendships, and the story of Kevin, the Golden Retriever, and Winter, the rescue dolphin, is no exception. Here are some ways social media has impacted their story:

Instagram Stories

Kevin’s owner has been sharing their adventures on Instagram, which has helped spread their story and gain a large following. Their Instagram account has over 15,000 followers, and their photos and videos regularly receive thousands of likes and comments.

Facetiming with Friends

Kevin has even facetimed with Winter, the rescue dolphin, which has been documented on their Instagram account. This unique interaction has been shared widely on social media, and it’s not hard to see why. Who wouldn’t want to see a dog and a dolphin chatting it up on a video call?

The power of social media has helped Kevin and Winter’s story reach a wider audience and has brought joy to many people’s lives. It’s amazing to see how social media can connect people and animals from all over the world and bring them together in unexpected ways.

The Dolphin Tale Connection

When a Golden Retriever named Kevin visited the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida, he had the time of his life visiting dolphins, including Winter, the star of the famous Dolphin Tale movies. But what is the story behind Winter and her prosthetic tail? And how did the movies come about?

Winter’s Prosthetic Tail

Winter, the bottlenose dolphin who captured hearts with her story of resilience, was found in 2005 tangled in a crab trap in the coastal waters of Florida. She was taken to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium for treatment, where her tail had to be amputated due to severe injuries.

Winter’s unique situation prompted the creation of a prosthetic tail. It took several attempts to create a tail that would work for her, but eventually, a team of experts found a solution that allowed Winter to swim and survive.

Winter’s story of survival and the creation of her prosthetic tail inspired the book “Winter’s Tale” and the subsequent movies “Dolphin Tale” and “Dolphin Tale 2.”

Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2

The movies “Dolphin Tale” and “Dolphin Tale 2” tell the story of Winter and her journey to recovery. The movies feature a star-studded cast, including Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, and Harry Connick Jr., and were filmed on location at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

The movies were a hit with audiences of all ages, and Winter’s story continues to inspire people around the world. The movies also brought attention to the important work being done at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium and the need to protect marine life.

In conclusion, Winter’s story of resilience and the creation of her prosthetic tail has inspired people around the world. The movies “Dolphin Tale” and “Dolphin Tale 2” have brought attention to the important work being done at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium and the need to protect marine life.

The Importance of Conservation

Conservation of wildlife is essential to ensure that future generations can enjoy the natural world and the incredible species that live within it. It is essential to understand how species interact within their habitats to help protect them. In this section, we will discuss the importance of conservation with a focus on the rescued dolphin and preserving oceans and habitats.

Rescued Dolphin

Rescued dolphins, like the famous Winter at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida, provide an excellent example of how conservation efforts can make a difference. Winter was rescued after getting tangled in a crab trap . which caused her to lose her tail. She was rehabilitated and has become an ambassador for marine conservation. Her story has inspired many to take action to protect our oceans and the creatures that live in them.

Preserving Oceans and Habitats

The oceans are home to some of the most diverse and fascinating creatures on the planet, including dolphins, whales, sharks, and sea turtles. However, human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change are threatening their habitats and survival. Conservation efforts are essential to preserve these habitats and protect the creatures that live in them.

Preserving habitats is not only crucial for the survival of marine animals but also for the environment as a whole. Oceans play an important role in regulating the Earth’s climate, absorbing carbon dioxide, and producing oxygen. Without healthy oceans, our planet would be in peril.

Conservation efforts can take many forms, from reducing plastic waste and supporting sustainable fishing practices to creating marine protected areas and promoting awareness of the importance of preserving our oceans and habitats. By working together to protect our environment, we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonders of the natural world.

In summary, conservation is essential to protect our environment and the creatures that live in it. Rescued dolphins like Winter provide an excellent example of how conservation efforts can make a difference, and preserving oceans and habitats is crucial for the survival of marine animals and the environment as a whole.


In conclusion, the friendship between Kevin the Golden Retriever and Winter the dolphin is a heartwarming example of how animals can form connections across species. Kevin’s admiration for Winter’s playful nature and love of rubber ducks is evident in the way he eagerly interacts with her during their playdates.

Despite the obvious differences between a dog and a dolphin, Kevin and Winter have found a way to communicate and enjoy each other’s company. Whether it’s swimming together or simply lounging in the sun, their friendship is a testament to the power of animal companionship.

As Kevin’s Instagram following continues to grow, it’s clear that people all over the world are captivated by his unique bond with Winter. Their story has inspired countless individuals to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and the connections we can form with animals.

In the end, Kevin and Winter’s friendship reminds us that even the most unlikely bonds can bring joy and happiness into our lives. As we navigate the challenges of the modern world, it’s important to remember the simple pleasures that come from spending time with our animal friends.

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